Priority 8: First Nations-, Inuit- and Métis-governed research and data systems
First Nations, Inuit and Métis-specific, self-determined data and research are key to understanding access, experience and outcomes in cancer care, and identifying community-led efforts and potential solutions for better outcomes.
- Collect First Nations-specific data and set First Nations-specific indicators and targets.
- Invest in First Nations research capacity.
- Implement First Nations governance of the collection and use of data and research.
View indicator development process
View ways of measuring the indicators
- Collect and report on Inuit-specific data.
- Determine impact of environmental contamination on Inuit health, specifically cancer risk.
View indicator development process
View ways of measuring the indicators
- Collect Métis-specific data and develop Métis-determined indicators and outcomes.
- Invest in Métis research capacity.
View indicator development process
View ways of measuring the indicators
Indicator Concepts
Nos priorités
Priority 1
Priority 6
Priority 7