Colorectal cancer screening in Canada: 2021/2022

Territorial Collective

The Territorial Collective was convened in 2018 in response to colorectal cancer screening being identified as a key priority across Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. The overarching principles of the Territorial Collective are to support the development, implementation, and ongoing delivery of high-quality, equitable colorectal screening, and to increase participation and improve access in the territories.

The Territorial Collective provides an opportunity for representatives developing and implementing population-based colorectal cancer screening in the territories to share updates, ideas and mechanisms, best practices, and lessons learned to support successful implementation. Throughout 2021, the group was able to have successful discussions around streamlining the FIT to colonoscopy journey, education for healthcare providers, and promotion for screen-eligible individuals. These discussions allowed territories to engage with one another regularly, and share questions, advice, and key resources.

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