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First Nations, Inuit and Métis approaches to palliative and end-of-life care in Canada
Read about how often cancer patients may receive palliative care in the two years before their deaths in acute-care hospitals
Read this 2017 report about how palliative and end-of-life care is currently delivered for people with cancer, and what changes are needed for the best possible care
Review this 2014 report about the Métis cancer journey developed as a baseline for measuring future progress
Review this 2014 report about the Inuit cancer journey developed as a baseline to measure future progress
Review this report from 2013 about the First Nations cancer journey as a baseline to measure future progress
In this video, Dr. Low talks about being diagnosed with a brain tumour, knowing that he can’t get better and worrying about how he’ll die
In this video, Dr. Larry Librach talks about his diagnosis of pancreatic cancer six weeks before and learnings from his time as a palliative care physician
In this video, Linda B. talks about learning that palliative care would extend her quality of life when her endometrial cancer reoccurred
In this video, Dianne talks about caring for her husband, Doug, near the end of his life, after 11 years with prostate cancer
In this video, Doug talks about choosing palliative care for prostate cancer with bone metastasis, and to accept his life ending
In this video, Carol O. talks having cervical cancer at age 31 and then being diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer 22 years later
In this video, a mother and daughter talk about caring for the father during his lung and brain cancer
In this video, Fred talks about supporting both his wife and daughter during cancer
In this video, Jeff talks about supporting his sister, Jean, after her diagnosis of colorectal cancer
In this video, Kathleen talks about caregiving for her husband, Ian, who passed away from tongue cancer five years ago
In this video, Linda M. talks about caring for her mom during the last year of her life and how emotionally difficult that was to do as a teenager
In this video, Linda S. talks about caring for her father who had metastasized lung cancer as well as caring for her mother who has dementia
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