Request for Supplier Qualifications (RFSQ) – For Public and Patient Engagement (and Related) Services

The Partnership is committed to engaging patients, survivors, caregivers, family members and the general public across our work to advance a patient-centred cancer control system that meets the needs of Canadians affected by cancer.

In part, the Partnership accomplishes this by engaging effectively with patients and the public to inform all facets of the Partnership’s work. Engagement serves as a catalyst to advance the five key priorities of the refreshed Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control.

The Partnership seeks to pre-qualify a varied number of engagement vendors (Proponents) to assist with this multifaceted work to increase our capacity and advance our efforts.

The public and patient engagement program of work relates to supporting:

  1. a longstanding Public, Patient and Family Advisors’ Program
  2. a variety of programmatic engagement/consultations across specific projects tied to system-level, cancer control issues
  3. launching major pan-Canadian deliberative engagements to advance national cancer control policy and practice


Pre-qualified Proponents will assist with leading, advising or providing targeted support for the Partnership’s multi-faceted engagement efforts. The scope of the services required will depend on the scale of the project and internal capacity. Thus, the successful Proponents may lead or provide specific specialized services to advance a variety of engagement projects across the Partnership’s teams.

The Partnership is seeking submissions (Proposals) from companies with established capabilities and a proven track record in:

  1. Face-to-face deliberative and consultation engagement design/implementation*
  2. Digital engagement design and implementation*
  3. Engagement facilitation services
  4. Recruitment to engage representative or targeted populations
    * If applicable, experience integrating in-person engagement methodologies and digital strategies in a comprehensive engagement plan to expand reach and representation

Value-added criteria:

  • Knowledge of the Canadian cancer and/or wider health-care system
  • Experience engaging underserviced populations in Canada
  • Experience in variety of Pan-Canadian, public policy engagements
  • Experience across multiple fit-to-purpose engagement methodologies including – citizen panels, small group methodology, national surveys, robust online engagement
  • Experience evaluating (qualitative/quantitative data) and presenting actionable findings emerging from engagement
  • Experience using innovative and participatory engagement methodologies


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Successful pre-qualified vendors

  • One World – Deliberative engagement
  • Optimus SBR – Deliberative engagement and Digital engagement
  • H+K – Deliberative engagement and Recruitment
  • Bain Group – Facilitation
  • Overlap Associates – Facilitation
  • Sage Solutions – Facilitation
  • ICA Associates – Facilitation
  • Thornley Fallis – Digital engagement
  • Forum Research – Digital engagement and Recruitment
  • Ipsos – Recruitment

Other Information

Bid Details




Issue date

September 18, 2019

Proposal Submission Deadline:

DEADLINE FOR PROPONENT ENQUIRIES: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 by 5 PM ET (local Toronto time)
PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Thursday, October 10, 2019 no later than 3 PM ET
INTERVIEW PERIOD: Week of October 21, 2019

Proponents Enquires e-mail: