We've found 39 items under your selection of "Type of cancer" . The most recent items are first.
This environmental scan summarizes the data collected from provincial and territorial colorectal screening programs.
This environmental scan summarizes the data collected from provincial and territorial screening programs and is intended to inform provincial/territorial decision-making for policy and practice
Colorectal cancer screening performance across provinces and territories
Review modelling data to support decisions for managing screening backlogs due to service disruptions
This report examines the equity-focused interventions that can improve access to colorectal cancer screening and increase screening rates among specific populations across Canada
Learn from national and international clinical guidelines and from a jurisdictional analysis of screening approaches
Highlights of colorectal cancer screening programs’ activities and strategies
Review a synthesis map that shows the stages of the colorectal cancer screening process from both a rural resident’s and a suburban resident’s perspective
Review these cancer surgical standards for high risk, gynecologic, thoracic, breast and rectal to support the delivery of high-quality care
These standards support the delivery of consistent, high-quality care for Canadians with rectal cancer who need surgery
In this video, Dr. Pollett talks about CAP protocols for Lynch Syndrome, identifying patients and immunohistochemistry
Review this summary of colorectal cancer screening programs’ key components and strategies across Canada in 2018
Learn how modifiable risk factors which contribute to colorectal cancer affect incidence rates across Canada and how the distribution of risk factors differs by jurisdiction
In this video, Dr. Schaeffer talks about the updated CAP protocols for colorectal carcinoma
Learn how microsimulation modelling can project outcomes as a result of changes to colorectal cancer screening programs
In this 2017 report, learn about the barriers and enablers of implementing electronic systems and pathology standards in six provinces
Review this summary from April 2017 of key components for colorectal cancer screening programs and strategies across Canada
Review this 2017 report for provincial and territorial data about the quality of colorectal cancer screening programs in 2013 and 2014
Learn how the standards for synoptic-surgery reporting can improve patients’ cancer care across Canada
In this video, Dr. Parfitt talks about the newest checklist for colorectal cancer, including serosa, radial margins and other staging issues
Learn about the standards for recording data elements and indicators as related to surgical-synoptic reporting of eight cancer types
Read about a multi-disciplinary strategy to create and measure specific process indicators for rectal cancer’s treatment
In this 2015 video, Dr. Driman talks about issues for pathologists when reporting colorectal adenomas and serrated polyps
Read about the first ever look at pan-Canadian data on cancer stage, which can help us better understand cancer control initiatives and patterns of care
Read this report to learn about participation in both programmatic and non-programmatic screening across Canada for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer
Review this 2014 report for provincial data about the quality of colorectal cancer screening programs in 2011 and 2012
Read this 2013 report for an evaluation of how organized colorectal cancer screening programs in Canada performed from 2009 to 2011
Discover more about standards and recommendations to promote quality assurance for colorectal cancer screening in this 2013 report
Review the September 2012 synthesized results about flexible sigmoidoscopy for colorectal cancer screening from four randomized controlled trials
Review the PLCO trial results about flexible sigmoidoscopy for colorectal cancer screening in this 2012 second supplement
Review the SCORE trial results about flexible sigmoidoscopy for colorectal cancer screening in this 2011 supplement to the second watching brief
In this video, Pert talks about being diagnosed with colorectal cancer at age 73, coping with her emotions and knowing when to get support
In this video, Laurie talks about having colorectal cancer as a young adult, how she coped and cancer’s effects on her fertility and her career
In this video, Fred talks about supporting both his wife and daughter during cancer
In this video, Jeff talks about supporting his sister, Jean, after her diagnosis of colorectal cancer
In this video, Alan talks about his diagnosis with lymphoma and rectal cancer, his treatment and the importance of community support
Review the UK FS trial results about flexible sigmoidoscopy for colorectal cancer screening in this watching brief from June 2010
In this video, Dr. Washington talks about changes to the CAP checklist for colorectal cancer
Review the NORCCAP trial results about flexible sigmoidoscopy for colorectal cancer screening in this watching brief from June 2009
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