Summary of evidence-informed UVR policy adoption by provincial and territorial governments across Canada

Learn what evidence-informed policies to reduce ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure have been adopted by provincial and territorial governments

Inside this UVR policy pack

Levels of adoption

To understand the extent to which these policy actions have been adopted across Canada, policies were analyzed from within the Prevention Policies Directory. A level of adoption in Canada (low, medium or high) was assigned to each evidence-informed policy action to illustrate areas of strength and weakness across the country:

  • LOW = very few jurisdictions have adopted evidence-informed policy action
  • MEDIUM = some, but not all jurisdictions have adopted evidence-informed policy action
  • HIGH = most jurisdictions have adopted evidence-informed policy action)

Click on each policy action for details on what evidence-informed UVR policies have been adopted by provincial and territorial governments.

Policy issue Policy actions Level of adoption
UVR protection policies Sun safety policies in child care settings MEDIUM
Sun safety policies in schools LOW
Occupational solar UVR protection policies LOW
Occupational artificial UVR policies MEDIUM
Commercial tanning Ban the use and/or sale of commercial tanning units LOW
Restrict use of commercial tanning units by minors LOW
Advertising and marketing of tanning services LOW
Warning label requirements for commercial tanning units HIGH